git-guide copied to clipboard
I did not find any information on how this guide is licensed.
Writing on git introduction myself, I would like to use some of your images.
Would you consider adding a CreativeCommons License?
I would like to second the request, if the intent is for the git-guide to be free as in freedom, please provide a license :)
As the content is "code documentation" a standard code license (e.g. MIT, GPL) would be just as applicable as a CC one, I reckon.
I would also appreciate this.
For this kind thing I would like to see some version of a CC license. The GFDL also work. Maybe even CC0.
Oops, I found this issue opened in 2013... Why there still isn't such a license?
I have to assume the author is not intended to update the repo anymore. I use CC - BY to reference your work. If you think that is not okay, contact me plz.
@rogerdudler any update on this? Someone wants to include this in an FIRST Tech Challenge document (ftctechnh/ftc_app#145) but can't because of legal issues.
Please respond.
Any update? Adding any CC license for clarity would be great, ideally CC0 as mentioned above.