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Results 105 v8go issues
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Hey folks, I'm trying build binaries (for multiple architectures) in a project that uses v8go and not having much luck. I haven't compiled projects with CGO enabled before, so it's...

Auto-generated pull request to upgrade V8 binary for version

Hi! Is it possible to include alpine os to build pipeline?

## Problem I noticed that there were 11 open "Upgrade V8 binaries" PRs which had been automatically opened and had been sitting for over a month. ## Solution Reduce the...

Looks like there were a couple of notable changes that didn't have a corresponding changelog entry.

Moving the discussion from slack to GitHub for better visibility and discoverability. I provided the code I used in case it is usefull. go runner code ```golang import ( "encoding/json"...

Auto-generated pull request to upgrade V8 binary for version

I want to add an array of uint8s (which would map to UInt8Array) to a context's global object. I get `ReferenceError: bytes is not defined` when I try so I'm...

This PR adds code to v8go to convert []uint8 array from javascript to golang and back, and also an Isolate method to allow throwing javascript exceptions from golang callbacks. Test...