Please uninstall current version and restart VSCode, the install the extension manually (I had issue with this). This one definitely contains the previous code that worked for you with powershell.
Generally when outputting to Debug Console there is no stdin (its not WSL issue in this case). Maybe I can figure something out with this eval input line syntax in...
Hmm, probably that is because only integrated console is bash: ``` "terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\bash.exe", "terminal.integrated.shell.linux": "bash", ``` But not sure :)
Default terminalKind is `integrated` (which can be set in preferences). This means that it tries to run bash (which would be preferred), but since you have this beta WSL it...
Please attach the `lauch.json` contents.
Please use array for args: ``` "args": [ "Hello, World" , "arg2" ], ``` I will need to fix error handling though, since extension should show proper error...
You can try running the vscode as root, or change your script to run sudo in the lines that need it. Choosing interactive console will allow to input password in...
Personally I use sudo like that: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rogalmic/vscode-bash-debug/gif/images/bash-debug-samp-stdin-usage.gif Script does not require root, it will ask for password first time it's needed.
You are correct, `_Dbg_open_if_tty` and `set inferior-tty` should not be touched then. I am having problems since for example I do not get the idea of "inferior tty". The `zshdb`...
Please use terminalKind integrated or external. Debug console does not have standard input.