I took a look at this, it will not be that easy, for example: 1. pkill is missing from git bash.exe 2. there seems to be some issue with outputting...
I have narrowed it down to this problem: - open 2 console instances of Git Bash - start this in first one: ```shell mkfifo /tmp/testpipe ; exec 3/tmp/testpipe ; cat...
I tested cygwin, git-bash, mingw - they all seem to have problems with fifo support. Like you commented, this is probably because how those windows solutions are designed: - cygwin...
There is no way to override this currently, I will try to create such parameter for the next version.
No, this is not supported. In principle it might be implemented using 2 ssh connections (one for script in/out, one for debugger), but this would be a major cross-cutting change.
Cannot reproduce. Is WSL installed?
If it opens new bash process, then there is no way to work. Can you share the part of code that fails?
This is by design, only bash 4.* and 5.* is supported. There were some issues with earlier bash versions related to underlying bashdb...
This is the check done in extension, please run it and paste results: ``` echo "$BASH_VERSION"; [[ "$BASH_VERSION" == 4.* ]] || [[ "$BASH_VERSION" == 5.* ]] || echo "unsupported";...
For ZSH debugging, please use https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=rogalmic.zsh-debug .