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New Dependency identified - Aztec C
MODEM.C requires Aztec C for build. This should probably be converted to one of the other two C compilers that build everything else.
I'm not monotheistic about tools or toolchains needed for reconstruction of an archaeological dig. I vaguely recall Aztec is available for download somewhere. But maybe I'm confused and that's some other compiler. IMO, get the job done with whatever old tools it takes.
It's out there somewhere I am sure. Just trying to be forward thinking. There is another tool in the repo that requires Turbo Pascal. (HELP.PAS) These one-offs might be good projects for someone who wants to contribute but doesn't want to wade through assembly code.
Anyway, these issues aren't just for discussion purposes. This is a build requirement that needs to be addressed, even if only as a comment in the list of tools required to fully build the OS.
I just happened to notice it today working on my distro process.
I cannot find the corresponding binary modem.com. Was it not shipped or was it shipped under another name?
It is in the SHIPMOS.zip file as well as the 5 user zip file inside the MOSFILES.EXE extractable archive in the SHIPMOS directory. It is also in the 9 user disk image in the IMAGES directory. The file is MODEM.COM.
I had a quick look at modem.c. There seem to be lots of scr_* calls in there which look like some screen handling functions. I don't seem to see any makefile where it gets built, so I don't know if there's an external library or source file missing, or it's part of Aztec C. It might be worth checking out Aztec C before spending a lot of time converting it to MS C. It seems to be available here http://www.clipshop.ca/Aztec/compilers.htm#msdos , but it's not released under a free license.
Yeah, that's why I didn't look into it too much. The program may not even be of use going forward. I'll circle back on it once I get my distro process put together and tested.
Sounds like we will get a bit of a snow storm here, so I may have all weekend to play with this if the power stays on!
Hi the Aztec C compiler and lts run time library source code are available online but does it make any sense to put an effort on modem.exe that nobody is going to use anyway? If so I can work over this this weekend
Cool find! Thanks for sharing! I agree with your assessment and don't see a point in investing any time in converting modem.c unless someone has a need for it. Or, it can be left for someone that wants an isolated issue to work on and get some time in on the project.
Welcome back!