pcmos386v501 copied to clipboard
filename parser bug
I noticed a strange behaviour of the filenameparser.
[C:] copy a:TASK -> 0 files copied (wrong) [C:] copy a:addtask* -> 0 files copied (wrong) [C:] copy a:. -> everything fine (expected!)
[C:] dir addt* -> returns addtask.com (expected!) [C:] dir *1238912 -> returns whole directory (wrong) [C:] dir task -> returns whole directory (wrong)
TSL did not try to make PC-MOS command processor 100% compatible with MS-DOS. Their selling point was multi user over termnals connected via serial cables and/or modems. Their command processor was " good enough" to run batch files crafted to be compatible.
If you want a 100% clone of MS-DOS, you will not be happy with PC-MOS.
We have the source code, and of course it can be improved, but kernel work is more important right now.
I don't want to fix it now or get 100% DOS compatibility. It was one of the first things i noticed because i was searching for any tools with TASK in the filename for obvious reasons.
I think it's a basic in every OS but yes - it does not require immediate action. Maybe there's a whole complex of filehandling issues (see: y2012 bug) that are somehow linked together and need to be refactured at some time.
EDIT: It is important to fix this someday, imagine you are doing DEL *TEST.BAK and your command interpreter deletes everything.
let's leave it open right now on the list. I agree that it should be fixed one day.
My initial idea is that I just think of and is open for discussion obviously..
- kernel
- ccp (console command processing)
- multiuser/tasking tools
- others
- additional wishes.
I support that priority order
EDIT: It is important to fix this someday, imagine you are doing DEL *TEST.BAK and your command interpreter deletes everything.
Would it delete everything or only *.BAK?
This specific behavior of MOS is documented in the manual, section 3 "Files & Directories" page 3-5/3-6 under the "Wildcard characters" section. Specifically on page 3-6 where it gives the example:
a*c.xyz is not a legal filename. The "c" is ignored.
Specific to the word "TASK" in your examples above, are you using the word "TASK"? If so, that may be a reserved word. If not, can you elaborate what "TASK" expands to?
At least in v5.01 (from the images i uploaded) it seems to work correctly.
I don't remember which images i used back then, i'll test and try to find. Anyway, in our recent 5.01 it isn't repeatable, even without updat501.sys.
Ok, I was quoting from the v4 manuals I uploaded.