Thanks for all the hints. I also have the same issue: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'resample2d_package' I used the from resample2d_package and still get the same error (this "make...
In the .py files at the networks folder I changed some of the imports: from resample2d_package.modules.resample2d import Resample2d from channelnorm_package.modules.channelnorm import ChannelNorm from submodules import * from ConvLSTM import ConvLSTM...
Thanks for the reply When I use: python -dataset DAVIS -task WCT/wave I get: Namespace(cuda=True, data_dir='data', dataset='DAVIS', gpu=0, list_dir='lists', phase='test', redo=False, size_multiplier=4, task='WCT/wave') Load pretrained_models/ECCV18_blind_consistency_opts.pth Traceback (most recent call...
Thanks, that solved the TypeError