mysql-events copied to clipboard
A node package that watches a MySQL database and runs callbacks on matched events.
Hello, first of all, thank you for making the code available. I tried, I've already tested both on localhost and directly on the almalinux server... It doesn't give any errors,...
TypeError [ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING]: Unknown encoding: utf8mb3 at stringSlice (buffer.js:630:9) at Uint8Array.toString (buffer.js:666:10) at Parser.parseString (/var/www/api/kameazy/realtime/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Parser.js:281:28) at Object.exports.readMysqlValue (/var/www/api/kameazy/realtime/node_modules/@rodrigogs/zongji/lib/common.js:446:25) at readRow (/var/www/api/kameazy/realtime/node_modules/@rodrigogs/zongji/lib/rows_event.js:111:16) at UpdateRows._fetchOneRow (/var/www/api/kameazy/realtime/node_modules/@rodrigogs/zongji/lib/rows_event.js:143:13) at UpdateRows.RowsEvent (/var/www/api/kameazy/realtime/node_modules/@rodrigogs/zongji/lib/rows_event.js:62:27) at new UpdateRows (/var/www/api/kameazy/realtime/node_modules/@rodrigogs/zongji/lib/rows_event.js:135:13)...
Hi, When i start my application, and i do a UPDATE from my database, i get this error: ``` RangeError [ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS]: Attempt to access memory outside buffer b ounds at...
we turned on aws / rds proxy - now we get this error....
Hello everybody. Did anybody manage to get this software going with MariaDB?
thanks for the great project. this should help people using TypeScript.
when i am using cronjob for using event handling tracking it is showing multiple connnection in mysql. can you please help me how to solve it. i am using cronjob...
I tested this library with success in my mysql local installation and worked out of the box. But when I deploy to server prod, it raises and error about: `code:...
try using example from readme. ``` const mysql = require('mysql'); const MySQLEvents = require('@rodrigogs/mysql-events'); const program = async () => { const connection = mysql.createConnection({ host: 'localhost', user: 'root', password:...
I have tried the package with MySQL 8.0.23 and its not working properly, like not showing the detailed events as its supposed or not showing the events at all even...