dio_smart_retry copied to clipboard
Flexible retry library for Dio. A next generation of an abandoned dio_retry package.
Dio Smart Retry
Flexible retry library for Dio package. This is a next generation of an abandoned dio_retry
By default, the request will be retried only for appropriate retryable http statuses.
Also, it supports dynamic delay between retries.
Null Safety.
Getting started
- Add package to pubspec.yaml:
dio_smart_retry: ^1.3.2
- Import package:
import 'package:dio_smart_retry/dio_smart_retry.dart'
Just add an interceptor to your dio:
final dio = Dio();
// Add the interceptor
dio: dio,
logPrint: print, // specify log function (optional)
retries: 3, // retry count (optional)
retryDelays: const [ // set delays between retries (optional)
Duration(seconds: 1), // wait 1 sec before first retry
Duration(seconds: 2), // wait 2 sec before second retry
Duration(seconds: 3), // wait 3 sec before third retry
/// Sending a failing request for 3 times with 1s, then 2s, then 3s interval
await dio.get('https://mock.codes/500');
See example/dio_smart_retry_example.dart
Default retryable status codes list
Responses with these http status codes will be retried by default:
- 408: RequestTimeout
- 429: TooManyRequests
- 500: InternalServerError
- 502: BadGateway
- 503: ServiceUnavailable
- 504: GatewayTimeout
- 440: LoginTimeout (IIS)
- 460: ClientClosedRequest (AWS Elastic Load Balancer)
- 499: ClientClosedRequest (ngnix)
- 520: WebServerReturnedUnknownError
- 521: WebServerIsDown
- 522: ConnectionTimedOut
- 523: OriginIsUnreachable
- 524: TimeoutOccurred
- 525: SSLHandshakeFailed
- 527: RailgunError
- 598: NetworkReadTimeoutError
- 599: NetworkConnectTimeoutError
Disable retry
It's possible to manually disable retry for a specified request. Use disableRetry
extension for that:
final request = RequestOptions(path: '/')
..disableRetry = true;
await dio.fetch<String>(request);
final options = Options()
..disableRetry = true;
await dio.get<String>('/', options: options);
Add extra retryable status codes
It's possible to add you own retryable status codes. Use retryableExtraStatuses
parameter for that. Here is an example:
dio: dio,
retryableExtraStatuses: { status401Unauthorized },
dio: dio,
retryableExtraStatuses: { 401 },