vision-camera-face-detector copied to clipboard
Property '__scanFaces' does not exist
I have the same problem
"vision-camera-face-detector": "^0.1.8", "react-native-reanimated": "^3.5.3", "react-native-vision-camera": "^2.16.1",
my babel.config
const path = require('path'); const pak = require('./package.json');
module.exports = { presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'], plugins: [ [ 'react-native-reanimated/plugin', { globals: ['__scanFaces'], }, ], ], };
my frame processor
const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => { 'worklet'; const scannedFaces = scanFaces(frame); runOnJS(setFaces)(scannedFaces); }, []);
try this : "react-native-vision-camera": "2.16.1", "react-native-reanimated": "3.5.4",
module.exports = { presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'], plugins: [ ['react-native-worklets-core/plugin'], ['react-native-reanimated/plugin', { globals: ['__scanFaces',], },] ], };
paste this in your babel.config.js file
try this : "react-native-vision-camera": "2.16.1", "react-native-reanimated": "3.5.4",
I got this "'hermes/inspector/chrome/Registration.h' file not found"
Same issue with the following:
"react-native-vision-camera": "^3.8.2" "react-native-reanimated": "^3.6.1"
Same issue with the following:
"react-native-vision-camera": "^3.8.2" "react-native-reanimated": "^3.6.1" Very annoyinggggggg lol...... I'm currently looking up on this instead ""
@Robogram I actually got this to work today:
"react-native": "0.73.2",
"react-native-reanimated": "^3.5.4",
"react-native-vision-camera": "^2.16.1",
"react-native-worklets-core": "^0.2.4",
"vision-camera-face-detector": "^0.1.8"
Import the following:
import {scanFaces} from 'vision-camera-face-detector';
Inside your component:
const [faces, setFaces] = useState(null);
const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor(frame => {
const scannedFaces = scanFaces(frame);
}, []);
Hope this helps
@Robogram I actually got this to work today:
"react-native": "0.73.2", "react-native-reanimated": "^3.5.4", "react-native-vision-camera": "^2.16.1", "react-native-worklets-core": "^0.2.4", "vision-camera-face-detector": "^0.1.8"
Import the following:
import {scanFaces} from 'vision-camera-face-detector';
Inside your component:
const [faces, setFaces] = useState(null); const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor(frame => { 'worklet'; const scannedFaces = scanFaces(frame); runOnJS(setFaces)(scannedFaces); }, []);
Hope this helps
@jessiemichelleblack No, still doesn't work:(. Can I see your repository if you don't mind?
@Robogram Make sure you run pod install
inside the ios
@Robogram Make sure you run
pod install
inside theios
I did "npx pod-install" or do I actually have to cd in ios and 'pod install' also?