vision-camera-face-detector copied to clipboard
In IOS face is not returning the countours and bounds
I am getting this in the response
{"bounds": {}, "cotours": {}, "leftEyeOpenProbability": 0.9893174171447754, "pitchAngle": 7.884413242340088, "rightEyeOpenProbability": 0.8695240020751953, "rollAngle": 0.5081395506858826, "smilingProbability": 0.026149364188313484, "yawAngle": 8.621944427490234}
I'm having the same issue. @rodgomesc Mate, do you know what might be the issue?
any update??
`static var faceDetector = FaceDetector.faceDetector(options: FaceDetectorOption)
private static func processContours(from faces: [Face]?) -> [String:CGFloat] {
// TODO: implement face contour calculations
return [:]
private static func processBoundingBox(from faces: [Face]?) -> [String:CGFloat] {
// TODO: implement bounding box calculations
return [:]
IOS work is not done till yet.
"vision-camera-face-detector": ""
you need to install it like this to get the contours and bonds on IOS
With @bilalattari 's solution I got the bounds, but the contours are empty (checked the face.contours array in the Swift code). Not sure if it's a bug of MLKit's or Vision Camera's.
You can clone a master branch and you can get the countours and bonds from there.
It's not updated on the npm
Hi @bilalattari Thanks for replying I found the content of VisionCameraFaceDetector.swift on my side is the same to
I got the bounds with the same width and height every time, and no contours:
In my package.json:
"vision-camera-face-detector": ""
Device: iPhone 6S - iOS 13.6 [email protected]
I tested the sample app from Google Samples ( and the functions work normally (correct contours & bounds, ie face.frame)
@rodgomesc @iAmGhost @didithilmy @donsn Can you please update your package with latest changes and bug fixes. Its been more than a year. It is not safe to direactly point to master branch which is dangerous as it reduces stability in development.
Hope you will update it soon.
"vision-camera-face-detector": ""
you need to install it like this to get the contours and bonds on IOS
thanks! you save my day