react-native-webview-comlink icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-webview-comlink copied to clipboard

add Javascript interface for react-native-webview, inspired by Comlink

react-native-webview-comlink Node.js CI

react-native-webview-comlink brings addJavascriptInterface to react-native-webview, supports both Android and iOS. Its implemention is inspired by the Comlink project.


  • Install the package: npm i --save react-native-webview-comlink



import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview';
import { withJavascriptInterface, Remote } from 'react-native-webview-comlink';
// it's not necessary but recommended to put the interface definition at some common
// place to share it between native and web projects if you use TypeScript
import { MyJSInterface } from './common/types';

// root api object for web side to call
const rootObj: MyJSInterface = {
    someMethod() {
        console.warn('someMethod called');
        return 42;
    someMethodWithCallbackSupport(cb: Remote<(msg: string) => void>) {
        cb('invoke callback from native');

        // release the callback, so it can be garbage collected at the web side.
        // callbacks maintain reference count inside, each time we got a callback instance
        // from the method argument, there should be a corresponding release() call when it
        // is no longer needed.
        // this can be safely skipped if FinalizationRegistry and WeakRef is supported at
        // native Javascript runtime.
        // however, since GC timing is unpredictable, it's still recommended to handle the
        // release() manually to get a lower memory footprint at the web side. (and avoids
        // possible lagging if lots of proxied method being cleaned up during GC - which causes
        // the same amount of messages being sent to web side)
const WebViewComponent = withJavascriptInterface(rootObj, 'MyJSInterface')(WebView);

// render web page with the <WebViewComponent />


import { JavascriptInterface } from 'react-native-webview-comlink';
import { MyJSInterface } from './common/types';

declare global {
    interface Window {
        MyJSInterface: JavascriptInterface<MyJSInterface>;

// call native side method
MyJSInterface.someMethod().then((result) => {

// callbacks are supported
MyJSInterface.someMethodWithCallbackSupport((msg) => {


There are example React Native project and Web project(React) in examples directory



withJavascriptInterface(obj, name, options)(WebView)

Returns a higher-order React WebView component class that has obj exposed as name.

  • [options] (Object): if specified, customized the behavior of the higher-order WebView component.
    • [whitelistURLs] (String or RegExp Array): white list urls where the JavascriptInterface enabled, default is null
    • [isEnabled] (Function): for gain more control on enable or disable status besides whitelistURLs, it gets called in sending and receiving each message, returns true to let the message pass, default is null
    • [forwardRef] (Boolean): forward ref to the wrapped WebView component, default is false
    • [log] (Boolean): print debug log to console, default is false
// you may add multiple javascript interface by nest the `withJavascriptInterface` call, e.g. following code adds both `MyAPI` and `MyAPI2` to web page
withJavascriptInterface(apiObj2, 'MyAPI2')(withJavascriptInterface(apiObj, 'MyAPI')(WebView))


Just call JavascriptInterface methods on


  • Android 5+
  • iOS 10+