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An opinionated UI Workbench featuring tools like react, styled components, typescript, webpack, jest and storybook all bundled into an easy to use interface

Results 9 rocket-science issues
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Implement github actions to verify that every PR has passing tests, lint, builds, etc


Implement eslint library, and ensure it runs in husky precommit and in a github action for each PR.

- marked - list others in comments...


> > > We could probably use some kind of test to see if our component generator is broken as well. I think this may be specifically a test for...

### Enable users to bring their own configuration. - [ ] Solidify Base Webpack Config - [ ] Listen for command line flags - [ ] Look for webpack config...


Possibly tag behind a release/project


Break out the custom scripts for quality of life improvements into their own project to allow for versioning


DOM Events for key calls to action so that we can abstract business logic from UI logic


expand the component generator to offer "types" of components you may want to create, which will determine certain boilerplate imports. Maybe "types" that includes certain react hooks commonly used for...
