blur icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
blur copied to clipboard

Twitch Chat Bot in Elixir


Twitch Chat Bot

Elixir CI Coverage Status

Note This is under heavy changes. Things might break with each release as we solidify the API.

Note See 0.3.0-beta branch for the most up to date code. Currently missing some functionality to get it working.

This library will be a core component that will interact with IRC and have a bunch of helper commands to interact with IRC, WS and OBS connections.


First, add Blur to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:blur, "~> 0.2.1-rc1"}]

Then, update your dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

You will need to authenticate with OAuth. This is set with the TWITCH_CHAT_KEY environmental variable. See .env.example for all the variables.

# The key generated from
export TWITCH_CHAT_KEY=oauth:

Then, you'll want to start the Blur application.

# [user, channels]
Blur.App.start_link(["800807", ["#rockerboo"]])

Quick Start

iex -S mix

iex> Blur.App.start_link(["800807", ["#rockerboo"]])
{:ok, <pid>}
iex> Blur.say "#rockerboo", "yo"


Blur.say("#rockerboo", "yo")

See the Blur module for the current list of options.