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A list of resources for Node.js Newbies!
A list of resources for Node.js Newbies!
[Title](URL) Description|Level of Difficulty*|
NodeSchool Learn You Node -A command line workshopper course for learning Node.js at your own pace. |1|
Express.js Fundamentals -the basics of getting started and core concepts|1||
The Art of Node -An introduction to Node.js that includes the command line workshopper Learn You Node and Stream Adventure courses from|1||
Learn to Code -Not so much a tutorial as a guide through available tutorials. Path from beginner > JS & Node > intermediate|1||
Node.js Fundamentals -Video explaining Node.js fundamentals|1||
Intro to Express.js Parameters, Error Handling and Other Middleware -Discusses some of the core Express features in the form of middleware|2||
Emailing in Node.js with Nodemailer -Walks through the process of using nodemailer to send email|2||
The Dead-Simple Step-by-Step Guide for Front-End Developers to Getting Up and Running with Node.JS, Express, Jade, and MongoDB -Set up the full stack and have a webpage running in 30 minutes. Make it talk to your DB in another 30. |2||
Understanding JavaScript Callbacks -Unlocking the Asynchronous Powers of JavaScript|2||
Understanding Express.js -Overview of Connect and Express concepts like middlewares, request handling, routing, etc.|2||
Creating a Simple RESTful Web App with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB -Learn the basics of REST and use them to build an easy, fast, single-page web app. - 3|3||
Writing a Command Line Utility using Node -Steps through building a simple command-line calculator program that accepts two parameters and adds them together|4||
Node Sass Boilerplate -A bare bones Node project using the C version of Sass called libsass using the Node.js bindings to libsass. There is a full readme of instructions to build your own project from scratch using npm and Grunt. Use the full example project as a measure with the instructions. |4||
A Sample App with Node.js, Express and MongoDB – Part 1 -Walks through the process of creating a CRUD app|4||
A Sample App with Node.js, Express and MongoDB – Part 2 -Continuation of part 1. Covers editing and deleting from MongoDB|4||
Building Multiplayer Games with Node.js and Socket.IO -Walks through the basics of building a simple multi-screen, multiplayer word game using the Socket.IO library within Node|5||
Teach Yourself Node.js in 10 Steps -An introductory overivew of Node.js, npm, callback conventions, events, and HTTP server basics|2||
Bevry's introduction to Node.js -This class was originally run for General Assembly in Sydney, and has been recorded and made available online.|3||
Node Angular Mongo & Express Mean stack articles + many good things -Magazine about the MEAN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js)|*||
Learn All The Nodes -Weekly screencasts on Node.js. The current episodes are all beginners.|2||
Node: Up and Running -Book by Tom Hughes-Croucher, a bit older, but explains the fundamentals|2||
Hackathon Starter -Boilerplate app to get Noding in no time!|4||
Full Streams Ahead -Introduction to streams in Node|4||
Node.js Picture VOting App Tutorial -Step by step on how to create a voting app in node.js|3||
Real-time collaborative drawing with Node.JS -Step by step on how to create a real-time collaborative drawing tool with the Express framework for node.js, & paper.js|2||
Javascript Weekly -Javascript weekly mailing list|*||
Introduction to Node.js -How to get started with Node.js for web development for people coming from other platforms. From console "hello world" to web page with basic HTTP GET/POST.|2||
Node.js Stream Handbook -A handbook covering the basics of how to write node.js programs with streams.|3||
Node Tuts -Video tutorials for Node.js|2||
10 Habits of the Happy Node Hacker -A blog post from Heroku with tips and techniques to keep you and your node apps happy.|||
Server Side Node -This training kit has been developed for those who already have the basic knowledge of JavaScript; This training kit will teach you the basics of NodeJS and NPM (Node Package Manager).|1||
Easy Node Authentication Using Passport -Tutorial on how to add authentication to Node.js apps using the Passport.js package.|3||
*1 is "What is JavaScript?" and 5 is "Go forth, young padawon, rely on your training and you will succeed!"
Adding to this List:
- Go to the Google Spreadsheet
- Add your link(s)
- Each link should include a title, url, and description
- In your description, rank the link on difficulty, from a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 is "What is JavaScript?" and 5 is "Go forth, young padawon, rely on your training and you will succeed!")
- Play nice - we're all about sharing and caring here.
- Share the link with your favorite newbies!
This list is completely and totally created by and for the public. I have not and will not personally guarantee the validity or reliability of any of the links. Your use of this list is at your risk, though chances are pretty good that any opportunity to learn is a good one :-) If you have any actual beef with certain listings, please let me know (create an issue), or reach out to the fine folks behind the link itself.
Welcome to Node.js, and be sure to ask questions!! Have fun :-D