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Enhanced Subject Word Object Extraction

Subject Verb Object extractor

An improved version of an often quoted Internet resources for Subject/Verb/Object extraction using Spacy.

  • Added passive sentence support
  • Added noun-phrase expansion
  • Added more comprehensive CCONJ support
  • Fixed 'that' resolution
  • Still not perfect, could do with further improvements, feel free to submit your own improvements.


Uses Python 3.5+ and Spacy for its parser

pip install -r requirements

# use spacy to download its small model
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm


Review the tests to see how it all works

python -m unittest discover -p "*_test.py"


from subject_verb_object_extract import findSVOs, nlp
tokens = nlp("Seated in Mission Control, Chris Kraft neared the end of a tedious Friday afternoon as he monitored a seemingly interminable ground test of the Apollo 1 spacecraft.")
svos = findSVOs(tokens)

outputs a list of tuples, each tuple containing the Subject,Verb,Object

[('Chris Kraft', 'neared', 'the end of a tedious Friday afternoon'), ('he', 'monitored', 'a interminable ground test of the Apollo spacecraft')]

Alternatively, run demo.py to see its use.