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collectd plugins for openstack



A set of collectd plugins monitoring and publishing metrics for OpenStack components.



Plugins and Metrics

There are several plugins, mapping to each of the openstack components.

Find below a list of the available plugins and the metrics they publish.

  • cinder_plugin
    • openstack-cinder.<tenant>.volumes.count (number of tenant volumes)
    • openstack-cinder.<tenant>.volumes.bytes (total bytes of tenant volumes)
    • openstack-cinder.<tenant>.volume-snapshots.count (number of tenant snapshots)
    • openstack-cinder.<tenant>.volume-snapshots.bytes (total bytes of tenant snapshots)
    • openstack-cinder.<tenant>.limites-{maxTotalVolumeGigabytes,maxTotalVolumes}
  • glance_plugin
    • openstack-glance.<tenant>.images.count (number of tenant images)
    • openstack-glance.<tenant>.images.bytes (total bytes of tenant images)
  • keystone_plugin
    • openstack-keystone.<tenant>.users.count (number of tenant users)
    • openstack-keystone.totals.tenants.count (total number of tenants)
    • openstack-keystone.totals.users.count (total number of users)
    • (total number of services)
    • openstack-keystone.totals.endpoints.count (total number of endpoints)
  • neutron_plugin
    • openstack-neutron.<tenant>.networks.count (number of tenant networks)
    • openstack-neutron.<tenant>.subnets.count (number of tenant subnets)
    • openstack-neutron.<tenant>.routers.count (number of tenant routers)
    • openstack-neutron.<tenant>.ports.count (number of tenant ports)
    • openstack-neutron.<tenant>.floatingips.count (number of tenant floating ips)
    • openstack-neutron.<tenant>.quotas-{floatingip,ikepolicy,ipsec_site_connection,ipsecpolicy,network, port,router,security_group,security_group_rule,subnet}
  • nova_plugin
    • openstack-nova.<tenant>.limits.{maxImageMeta,maxPersonality,maxPersonalitySize,maxSecurityGroupRules, maxSecurityGroups,maxServerMeta,maxTotalCores,maxTotalFloatingIps, maxTotalInstances,maxTotalKeypairs,maxTotalRAMSize} (limits on each metric, per tenant)
    • openstack-nova.<tenant>.quotas.{cores,fixed_ips,floating_ips,instances,key_pairs,,ram,security_groups} (quotas on each metric, per tenant)
    • openstack-nova.cluster.gauge.config-AllocationRatioCores (overcommit ratio for vcpus)
    • openstack-nova.cluster.gauge.config-AllocationRatioRamMB (overcommit ratio for ram - in MB)
    • openstack-nova.cluster.gauge.config-ReservedCores (reserved vcpus on the whole cluster)
    • openstack-nova.cluster.gauge.config-ReservedRamMB (reserved ram on the whole cluster - in MB)
    • openstack-nova.cluster.gauge.config-ReservedNodeCores (reserved cores per node)
    • openstack-nova.cluster.gauge.config-ReservedNodeRamMB (reserved ram per node - in MB)
    • openstack-nova.<hypervisor-hostname>.{current_workload,free_disk_gb,free_ram_mb,hypervisor_version, memory_mb,memory_mb_overcommit,memory_mb_overcommit_withreserve, memory_mb_used,running_vms,vcpus,vcpus_overcommit, vcpus_overcommit_withreserve,vcpus_used}


It assumes an existing installation of collectd.

Check its documentation for details.

Setup and Configuration

The example configuration(s) below assume the plugins to be located under /usr/lib/collectd/plugins.

If you're under ubuntu, consider installing from this ppa.

Each plugin should have its own config file, under /etc/collectd/conf.d/<pluginname>.conf, which should follow some similar to:

# cat /etc/collectd/conf.d/keystone.conf

<LoadPlugin "python">
    Globals true

<Plugin "python">
    ModulePath "/usr/lib/collectd/plugins"

    Import "keystone_plugin"

    <Module "keystone_plugin">
        Username "admin"
        Password "123456"
        TenantName "openstack"
        AuthURL ""
        Verbose "False"


If you use puppet for configuration, then try this excelent collectd module.

It has plenty of docs on how to use it, but for our specific plugins:

  collectd::plugin::python { 'keystone':
    modulepath => '/usr/lib/collectd/plugins',
    module     => 'keystone_plugin',
    config     => {
      'Username'   => 'admin',
      'Password'   => '123456',
      'TenantName' => 'openstack',
      'AuthURL'    => '',
      'Verbose'    => 'true',


The debian packaging files are provided, but don't expect the deb in the official repos.


All contributions more than welcome, just send pull requests.


GPLv2 (check LICENSE).


Ricardo Rocha [email protected]


Please log tickets and issues at the github home.

Additional Notes

Ubuntu Packaging

These instructions should give full details.

In summary, do this once to prepare your environment:

pbuilder-dist precise create

and for every release (from master):

mkdir /tmp/build-collectd-os
cd /tmp/build-collectd-os
tar zcvf collectd-openstack-0.2.tar.gz collectd-openstack-master/
bzr dh-make collectd-openstack 0.2 collectd-openstack-0.2.tar.gz
cd collectd-openstack
bzr builddeb -S
cd ../build-area
pbuilder-dist precise build collectd-openstack_0.2-1ubuntu1.dsc
dput ppa:rocha-porto/collectd ../collectd-openstack_0.2-1ubuntu1_source.changes