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Damn easy multiplatform Node.js RAT generator.


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Damn easy multiplatform Node.js RAT generator

An easy tool to generate configurable backdoors that runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. Shells are upgradable to Meterpreter!


$ npm install -g netrat


$ netrat

It will start the building procedure that lets you customize your backdoor.

Under the hood we use pkg to build the executable.

To reduce the build size up to 4 times I recommend you to compress your binary file. NetRAT provides already a basic compression.


Compression is possible thanks to UPX.

Cross-platform commands

Commands starting with cash are backed with cash, providing an easy solution for simple Unix-like, cross-platform commands.


To enable debug, set the env var, DEBUG=netrat.

Core modules

Name Build Description
netcat Build Status Netcat client and server modules written in pure Javascript for Node.js
cash Build Status Cross-platform Linux commands in ES6
pkg Build Status Package your Node.js project into an executable
upx Build Status The ultimate packer for executables


Rocco Musolino (@roccomuso)
