Rocco Musolino
Rocco Musolino
What this mapping actually stands for? ``` var MAPPING = [408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415]; ``` Does chip-gpio works with all the chip's GPIO? Perhaps shouldn't we...
Wouldn't be useful to put an img on the README or a live demo?
Are there outside some CDN for this plugin?
What happen if you istantiate multiple `each` calls but not all of your arr elem would cause to call a `next()` callback?
Wouldn't be useful to have apart from the telnet server also an http server to display logs?
Could be worth implementing a new `climate clip` or a `climate c` command similar to `climate ix` that pipe stuff on the clipboard? > alias clipboard='xclip -sel clip'
I saw you using a no more mantained in-memory store module for the express-session. I recommend to switch to a fully-tested one, check it out: [memorystore](
does it works in electron?
Can you show example usage in Node.js environment?