s3-proxy copied to clipboard
s3 proxy
Step 1.
Create an s3 bucket to manage your terraform state. Update the s3 bucket name located in terraform.tf file from "your-s3-terraform-state-bucket-here" to the name of your bucket. See below:
terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "your-s3-terraform-state-bucket-here" # You need to change this to your bucket name
key = "s3_proxy_github_example/terraform.tfstate"
region = "eu-west-1"
Step 2.
Create an aws.auto.tfvars file at the same level as terraform.tf file in the root s3-proxy directory. Add your aws access_key and secret_key to this file. This should look like below:
access_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
secret_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Step 3.
Create a directory called plan at the same level as terraform.tf file in the root s3-proxy directory.
Step 4.
Run the commands below to initialize and build the s3 proxy
terraform init
terraform plan '-out=plan/s3-proxy-gateway.plan' --target=module.s3-proxy-gateway
terraform apply "plan/s3-proxy-gateway.plan"
Step 5. - Test PUT and GET in Postman
Method: PUT/GET Uri: https://your-aws-gatwayuri/dev/file-upload-bucket-dev/myfolder/foo-bar.jpg Request Headers
Content-Type : image/jpeg
x-api-key : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx