Robert Sauer
Robert Sauer
According to my debugging, it doesn't. I ended up attaching a directive of my own that invokes `destroy()` upon the directive's _ngOnDestroy_.
@SnowBases I basically did the same as @steffinchen, but wrapped it into a directive for reuse. Each of our lotties then reads like this: ` { this.lottieAnimations.push(lottieAnimation); }); } }...
Maybe #477 may be leveraged here. This introduced an `XmlFactories` class that handles a per-thread singleton for the StAX `XMLOutputFactory` factory class. Potentially, you may add similar suppliers for the...
Fixes #703
Hi @aabouzaid, we are running Zeebe on AWS EKS. Starting next week (on 24.07. specifically), AWS charges an "extended support" fee for k8s clusters
Ok, thanks, we will give the update a try then.