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Error string from leafref assignment can be unhelpful
This was discovered while converting xpath tests to use unittest. Specifically in tests.xpath.01-list_leaflist.XPathListLeaflistTests.test_standalone_ref
Given this section of the YANG model:
container standalone {
list l {
key x;
leaf x {
type int8;
leaf ref {
type leafref {
path "../l/x";
This test would fail:
def test_standalone_ref(self):
self.instance.standalone.ref = 1
self.assertEqual(self.instance.standalone.ref._referenced_object, 1)
With this error message:
ValueError: {'error-string': 'ref must be of a type compatible with leafref', 'generated-type': 'YANGDynClass(base=ReferenceType(referenced_path=\'../l/x\', caller=self._path() + [\'ref\'], path_helper=self._path_helper, require_instance=True), is_leaf=True, yang_name="ref", parent=self, path_helper=self._path_helper, extmethods=self._extmethods, register_paths=True, namespace=\'\', defining_module=\'list-tc01\', yang_type=\'leafref\', is_config=True)', 'defined-type': 'leafref'}
This is due to the absence of a line calling self.instance.standalone.l.add(1)
While this is a valid error, the message could be a little more helpful. I don't have a solid suggestion on how to change it, but mentioning that the value assigned must be in the list of values added to the referred leaf would be much more helpful.
The same error occurs when i serialise data into obj like bellow: KeyError: u'key value must be valid, {'error-string': 'vlan_name must be of a type compatible with leafref', 'generated-type': 'YANGDynClass(base=ReferenceType(referenced_path=\'/VLAN/name__\', caller=self._path() + [\'vlan_name\'], path_helper=self._path_helper, require_instance=True), is_leaf=True, yang_name="vlan_name", parent=self, path_helper=self._path_helper, extmethods=self._extmethods, register_paths=True, is_keyval=True, namespace=\'\', defining_module=\'vlan_schema\', yang_type=\'leafref\', is_config=True)', 'defined-type': 'leafref'}' do you have any suggestion about this ? here is my yang model and json data, thank you:
import ietf-inet-types {
prefix "inet";
import common-types {
prefix "common";
typedef mtu {
type uint16 {
range "64 .. 9216";
grouping vlan-config {
list VLAN {
key name__;
leaf name__ {
type string;
"VLAN name";
container ipAddress {
leaf-list ipv4Address {
type inet:ipv4-prefix;
leaf-list ipv6Address {
type inet:ipv6-prefix;
leaf ipv6Auto {
type common:enable-status;
leaf vrf {
type string;
leaf adminStatus {
type common:status;
leaf aclIn {
type string;
leaf aclOut {
type string;
leaf mtu {
type mtu;
leaf arpProxy {
type common:status;
leaf description {
type string;
leaf dhcpRelaySrcIP {
type inet:ip-address;
leaf-list dhcpSever {
type inet:ip-address;
leaf ndpProxy {
type common:enable-status;
grouping vlan_ip {
list VLAN_IP {
key vlan_name;
leaf vlan_name {
type leafref{
path "/VLAN/name__";
container ipAddress {
leaf-list ipv4Address {
type inet:ipv4-prefix;
leaf-list ipv6Address {
type inet:ipv6-prefix;
uses vlan_ip;
uses vlan-config;
{ "VLAN_IP":{ "VLAN10":{ "ipAddress":{ "ipv6Address":[ "fe00::1/64", "fe00::2/64" ] }, "vlan_name":"VLAN10" } }, "VLAN":{ "VLAN10":{ "adminStatus":"down", "description":"default gateway", "ndpProxy":"enable", "aclIn":"AL01", "name__":"VLAN10", "aclOut":"AL02", "mtu":9100, "vrf":"golbal", "arpProxy":"up", "ipAddress":{ "ipv4Address":[ "", "" ], "ipv6Auto":"enable", "ipv6Address":[ "fe00::1/64", "fe00::2/64" ] }, "dhcpSever":[ "" ], "dhcpRelaySrcIP":"" } } }