nw-desktop-notifications copied to clipboard
Simple cross platform desktop notifications for node-webkit
##NW Desktop Notifications
A simple system for creating desktop notifications for node-webkit applications.
By including nw-desktop-notifications.js and nw-desktop-notifications.html in your project you can create desktop notifications for your application by calling:
window.LOCAL_NW.desktopNotifications.notify(iconUrl, title, content, clickHandlerCallback);
##Running the demo
(1) Clone this project
(2) cd into the project
(3) make the nw zip file
(4) Run the nw application
nw desktop-notify.nw
(This assumes you have nw aliased to node-webkit)
alias nw='~/Applications/node-webkit.app/Contents/MacOS/node-webkit'
##Update the Look-and-Feel
You can update the look and feel of the desktop notifications by updating the css embedded (via style tag) in nw-desktop-notifications.html.