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(unmaintained) A discrete FRP DSL for describing better build pipelines.

FuriPota (フリポタ) Build Status

furipota logo

This is a highly experimental project and if you use it in production kittens will turn into people. No-one would ever want that to happen, right?

FuriPota (short for "Deep Fried Potatoes" or "(discrete) Functional Reactive Programming Tasks") is a cross-platform, discrete FRP DSL for describing better build pipelines. The goal is to have a system that has deterministic and fast builds. That is, building from a FuriPota description should always have the same results, and it should do that as fast as possible.

The model is simple: you define a closed system of discrete input streams and their transformations (as pure functions). Dependencies are implicitly described by such transformations. The description is fed to the FuriPota runtime, which takes care of applying it to get the desired results.

There's a vague roadmap here.

Getting started

Install it with npm:

$ npm install -g origamitower/furipota

Create a build.frp file:


import core "prelude"

export define hello-world =
  # Says "Hello, world"
  Stream.from-vector ["Hello", ", ", "world"]
    |> (x -> Stream.of (display x))

You can check which bindings are exported with list:

furipota list

Finally, you can run the build pipeline passing a furipota expression to run:

furipota run hello-world

Check the examples/ folder and the docs/ folder for more stuff. You can run the examples with furipota-run, like:

furipota-run examples/simple/factorial.frp


furipota is copyright (c) Quildreen Motta, and released under MIT.