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Feature Request: Add Recursive Conversion Functionality to Convert to Dictionary
When passing a Robot Framework dictionary to a Python function, one must convert the RF dictionary to a Python (non-ordered, non-DotDict) dictionary. When one passes in a dictionary with nested dictionaries, this conversion process only affects the root of the dictionary. That is to say, any sub-dictionary will remain in its Robot Framework object form and is not converted to to a "pure" Python dictionary.
*** Settings ***
Documentation Demonstration of nested dictionary behavior with the Convert To Dictionary keyword
Library path/to/ # Note: NOT provided - reader is left to their imagination
*** Variables ***
&{MAIN_DICT} Sub_Dict_One=${EMPTY} Sub_Dict_Two=${EMPTY} Sub_Dict_Three=${EMPTY}
*** Test Cases ***
# Test cases that would call one of the keywords below
*** Keywords ***
Convert Dictionaries - Base Only
[Documentation] Only converts the base dictionary to 'regular' Pythonic dictionary
&{Sub_One} Create Dictionary sub_key_one_a=one-one sub_key_one_b=one-two
&{Sub_Two} Create Dictionary sub_key_two_a=two-one sub_key_two_b=two-two
&{Sub_Three} Create Dictionary sub_key_three_a=three-one sub_key_three_b=three-two
Set To Dictionary ${MAIN_DICT} Sub_Dict_One=${Sub_One}
... Sub_Dict_Two=${Sub_Two} Sub_Dict_Three=${Sub_Three}
${Converted_Main} Convert To Dictionary ${MAIN_DICT} # Only the 'root' of the dictionary is converted
Convert Dictionaries - All
[Documentation] Converts both the sub-dictionaries as well as
... the base dictionary to a 'regular' Pythonic dictionary
&{Sub_One} Create Dictionary sub_key_one_a=one-one sub_key_one_b=one-two
${Converted_Sub_One} Convert To Dictionary ${Sub_One}
&{Sub_Two} Create Dictionary sub_key_two_a=two-one sub_key_two_b=two-two
${Converted_Sub_Two} Convert To Dictionary ${Sub_Two}
&{Sub_Three} Create Dictionary sub_key_three_a=three-one sub_key_three_b=three-two
${Converted_Sub_Three} Convert To Dictionary ${Sub_Three}
Set To Dictionary ${MAIN_DICT} Sub_Dict_One=${Converted_Sub_One}
... Sub_Dict_Two=${Converted_Sub_Two} Sub_Dict_Three=${Converted_Sub_Three}
${Converted_Main} Convert To Dictionary ${MAIN_DICT} # All nodes of the dictionary are converted
Convert Dictionaries - Idealized
[Documentation] Written as if both the sub-dictionaries as well as
... the base dictionary were automatically converted to a 'regular' Pythonic dictionary
&{Sub_One} Create Dictionary sub_key_one_a=one-one sub_key_one_b=one-two
&{Sub_Two} Create Dictionary sub_key_two_a=two-one sub_key_two_b=two-two
&{Sub_Three} Create Dictionary sub_key_three_a=three-one sub_key_three_b=three-two
Set To Dictionary ${MAIN_DICT} Sub_Dict_One=${Sub_One}
... Sub_Dict_Two=${Sub_Two} Sub_Dict_Three=${Sub_Three}
${Converted_Main} Convert To Dictionary ${MAIN_DICT} recursive_conversion=${True}
I will generate some Python that will elucidate the metadata that comes along with unconverted dictionaries at a later date.
Possible Update
Note: The following code is untested. I do not have the bandwidth at the moment to fork and create tests, but I was thinking something along the lines of the following as an update of
def convert_to_dictionary(self, item, recursive_conversion=False):
"""Converts the given ``item`` to a Python ``dict`` type.
Mainly useful for converting other mappings to normal dictionaries.
This includes converting Robot Framework's own ``DotDict`` instances
that it uses if variables are created using the ``&{var}`` syntax.
If ``recursive_conversion`` is set to ``True``, recursively converts
any nested DotDict dictionaries
Use `Create Dictionary` from the BuiltIn library for constructing new
if recursive_conversion:
for key, value in item.items():
if isinstance(value, dict): # or, would that be `DotDict`?
key[value] = dict(value)
return dict(item)
return dict(item)