Azure-PowerShell-Snippets copied to clipboard
Personal repo for common Azure PowerShell snippet samples
Microsoft changed the powershell Azure cmdlet naming convention in the last few months, so instead of being Verb-AzureRM it is now Verb-AZ, so I updated the script to reflect this,...
The updated script in AADTool (Common.ps1) relies on a newer version of the AAD dll than that which is provided. Running script with old version leads to the following error:...
After using the AAD tool with much success for the past four months, we have found we now get the following error. nvoke-RestMethod : {"odata.error":{"code":"Authentication_MissingOrMalformed","message":{"lang":"en","value":"Access Token missing or malformed."}}} At...
Fix for auth headers not being parsed due to missing method AquireToken Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext now has a method called AquireTokenAsync for .NET Core. So use this method instead.
We ran into an issue with the "AzureRM - Move existing VM to new VNET.ps1" script. The issue kept the VM from being recreated, after it was removed. New-AzureRmVm :...
Hi, I am currently converting VM image to have Managed Disks. thanks to your code, I am almost done with the conversion. During the conversion, I faced "CloseError" and noticed...
…Id logic due to API change.
I added prompt so user can select the connection policy mode