ble-ancs copied to clipboard
Encrypt change called before Accept
Here's what it looks like in console:
~/Documents/Coding/ble-ancs master
❯ sudo node examples/test.js
on -> stateChange: poweredOn
on -> advertisingStart: success
able encryptChange!!!
this._peripheral.findServiceAndCharacteristics(SERVICE_UUID, [], function(error, services, characteristics) {
TypeError: Cannot read property 'findServiceAndCharacteristics' of undefined
at BleAncs.discoverServicesAndCharacteristics (/home/paul/Documents/Coding/ble-ancs/index.js:45:19)
at BleAncs.onEncryptChange (/home/paul/Documents/Coding/ble-ancs/index.js:233:12)
at emitNone (events.js:86:13)
at Able.emit (events.js:185:7)
at Able.onEncryptChange (/home/paul/Documents/Coding/ble-ancs/lib/able.js:90:10)
at emitNone (events.js:86:13)
at AbleBindings.emit (events.js:185:7)
at AbleBindings.onEncryptChange (/home/paul/Documents/Coding/ble-ancs/lib/hci-socket/bindings.js:370:10)
at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
at Hci.emit (events.js:191:7)
isn't set because the accept event hasn't been called yet.
+1 I'm experiencing this issue as well. I've been poking around the code but I have yet to figure it out.
Side note, I'm using a Raspberry Pi Zero, which isn't listed as a supported device for noble so that might be my issue.
Same issue on Ubuntu 17.04 with a supported adapter, so it looks like a common issue.