shader-image icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
shader-image copied to clipboard

Run WebGL shaders on an image or canvas element.

Shader Image


Tool to simplify writing shaders for HTML Image and Canvas elements.

Written in Typescript and ships with all types.

This class class creates a webgl context and texture from a given HTMLImageElement or HTMLCanvasElement as well as a fragment shader.

The shader is wrapped with the necessery definitions and functions to render the image.

import { ImageShader } from "image-shader";

const source = new Image();
source.src = "some/url.png";

// Shader to only render the red channel of the image.
const shader = `
    void main() {
        vec4 pixel = getPixel();

        gl_FragColor = vec4( pixel.r, 0, 0, 1 );

const image = new ImageShader( source, shader );

document.body.appendChild( image.domElement );



new ImageShader( source, shader ) where source is either a HTMLImageElement or a HTMLCanvasElement and the shader is a string in form of webgl shader. This means it has to include a void main() method in which or subsequently from which the gl_FragColor is set.

For a list of available variables and methods within the shader see below.


  • domElement: Returns a HTMLCanvasElement in the size of the source image containing the shaded image.
  • width: Returns the width of the content.
  • height: Returns the height of the content.
  • uniforms: Returns a readonly object which contains all uniforms. Setting additional uniforms is enabled by adding more values on this object:
const image = new ImageShader( source, fragment );

image.uniforms.time = 2340;
image.uniforms.anchor = [ 23, 45 ];



  • dispose(): Releases all memory. Since it uses WebGL internally, simply losing the reference will not clear all memory.
  • render(): Re-renders the image. Should only be used after uniforms have been changed. Calling the method otherwise is safe, but potentially wasteful.

Shader Helpers

The passed in shader, used as a fragment shader for the image, ships with some uniforms and helper methods:

Uniforms and Varying

  • sampler2D image: The image/canvas in question as texture.
  • vec2 resolution: The size of the image.
  • vec2 uv: The UV coordinates of the current fragment.


  • vec4 getPixel(): Returns the pixel for the current fragment. For instance: gl_FragColor = getPixel() simply renders the image unaltered.
  • vec4 getPixel( vec2 uv ): Returns the image pixel at the given UV coordineats.
  • vec4 getPixelXY( vec2 coords ): Returns the image pixel at the given coordinates in pixels.