Mike Letsky

Results 24 comments of Mike Letsky

@dantegd I am only having that issue with the nightly docker the release ones work just fine. When I removed the ':/rapids/notebooks/host' from the -v command it works.

@dantegd unfortuantely without the proper mapping I can't see the files from the host to run.

@dantegd does this command work for you? docker run --rm -it -v ~/Desktop:/rapids/notebooks/host --gpus all -p 8888:8888 -p 8787:8787 -p 8050:8050 rapidsai/rapidsai-dev-nightly:21.10-cuda11.2-devel-ubuntu18.04-py3.8

Tried this docker same issue rapidsai/rapidsai-dev-nightly:21.10-cuda11.2-devel-ubuntu20.04-py3.8 @dantegd seems like to be an issue with the nightly builds since the runtime is free of the -v exception: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4317367/135940970-7f3095d7-3d04-4756-980a-839ef0ac68cd.png)

Hey @dantegd so... got a call from @taureandyernv and we ran this command on my computer and solved the early exit problem, I think it is because I messed with...

hi @Nanthini10 Here is the docker environment where the error still happened: > * Serving Flask app 'app' (lazy loading) * Environment: production WARNING: This is a development server. Do...

@Nanthini10 here is the env from my conda outside of the docker: > (rapids-21.08) robomike@robomike-Z10PE-D16-Series:~/code/wodmatic_gpu/Merlin/wodmatic/app/workouts$ sudo sh ./print_env.sh Click here to see environment details **git*** ./print_env.sh: 10: [: true: unexpected...

@leofang actually we used 9.5 , we updated and i didn't include it in my first post. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4317367/136267625-2aa64120-1952-41c9-a632-e57ea038a4af.png)

@leofang it's a fresh docker. I have the problem as well on my conda environment outside of docker. All are fresh installs. We can't use cudatoolkit=11.4 because rapidsai only supports...