gdal2tilesp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gdal2tilesp copied to clipboard

Enhancements to tile cutter for parallelism and image format support



This enhancement to the script includes the following additional features:

  • Parallel processing, to use all available machine cores when generating tiles. This speeds up tile creation considerably.
  • Support for both the TMS and XYZ tile cache formats. Use the -o flag to choose; XYZ is the default format.
  • Support for both PNG and JPEG tile outputs. Use the -f flag to choose; PNG is the default format.


#python3 -m ensurepip

# install from local directory
pip install .
# Successfully installed


The project roblabs/gdal-geopdf makes use of this Python script in a Dockerfile.

Command Line

Run --help to check all the command-line parameters of the script.

Usage: [options] input_file(s) [output]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PROFILE, --profile=PROFILE
                        Tile cutting profile (mercator,geodetic,raster) -
                        default 'mercator' (Google Maps compatible)
  -r RESAMPLING, --resampling=RESAMPLING
                        Resampling method (average,near,bilinear,cubic,cubicsp
                        line,lanczos,antialias) - default 'average'
  -s SRS, --s_srs=SRS   The spatial reference system used for the source input
  -z ZOOM, --zoom=ZOOM  Zoom levels to render (format:'2-5' or '10').
  -e, --resume          Resume mode. Generate only missing files.
  -a NODATA, --srcnodata=NODATA
                        NODATA transparency value to assign to the input data
                        Number of concurrent processes (defaults to the number
                        of cores in the system)
  -v, --verbose         Print status messages to stdout

  KML (Google Earth) options:
    Options for generated Google Earth SuperOverlay metadata

    -k, --force-kml     Generate KML for Google Earth - default for 'geodetic'
                        profile and 'raster' in EPSG:4326. For a dataset with
                        different projection use with caution!
    -n, --no-kml        Avoid automatic generation of KML files for EPSG:4326
    -u URL, --url=URL   URL address where the generated tiles are going to be

  Web viewer options:
    Options for generated HTML viewers a la Google Maps

    -w WEBVIEWER, --webviewer=WEBVIEWER
                        Web viewer to generate
                        (all,google,openlayers,leaflet,index,metadata,none) -
                        default 'all'
    -t TITLE, --title=TITLE
                        Title of the map
    -c COPYRIGHT, --copyright=COPYRIGHT
                        Copyright for the map
    -g GOOGLEKEY, --googlekey=GOOGLEKEY
                        Google Maps API key from
    -y YAHOOKEY, --yahookey=YAHOOKEY
                        Yahoo Application ID from

  Config options:
    Options for config parameters

    -x, --auxfiles      Generate aux.xml files.
                        Image format for output tiles. Just WEBP, PNG and JPEG
                        allowed. PNG is selected by default
                        Format for output cache. Values allowed are tms and
                        xyz, being xyz the default value


  • Generates tilesjson in the file index.html, which then is consumed by KlokanTech tileview.
    • tileview further generates Leaflet, OpenLayers 2 & 3, Google Maps, WebGL, OL3-Cesium, Mapbox JS, and ArcGIS for JavaScript.
  • Generates Leaflet layer for use with the XYZ default format. Where the tms parameter is set to false
  • Generates metatdata.json which is interpreted by mb-util for use with mbtiles.
var lyr = L.tileLayer('./{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {tms: false, opacity: 1.0, attribution: ""});


  • The epsg::900913 projection code is not supported, use epsg:3857 to generate a tile set in web mercator projection.