Rob Ede

Results 255 comments of Rob Ede

> actix-web is the closest to mature and production-ready, and it’s an HTTP server library, not a web framework We consider it a web framework and not a library for...

Had forgotten this existed. There's some things that have been addressed. Don't mind helping with this list if you're happy to give perms for editing issues.

> along with a single .json file containing all feature data @not-my-profile Worth mentioning that it's done already:

The diff for #222 is about a quarter the size after the format: ~600 lines vs ~2.4k lines ```diff diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml index 65b6c53..ccbf423 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml...

The redirect service does not pattern match. The example: ```rust Redirect::new("/oh/hi/mark", "../../bye/mark"); ``` literally sends the header `Location: ../../bye/mark` back to the client. It is up to them to resolve...

@goiw111 the middleware has been reworked and now contains HSTS options. [See docs.](

There's a PR that's been open for several months now on emmetio/emmet-atom#522.

the modern approach would probably be more like a separate task rather than thread but i would consider either

Might just be running it from the wrong directory. Can you provide a more complete set of reproduction steps?

what version of redis are you running (in case it matters) ?