M4metalearning copied to clipboard
hyperparamter_search not running over all folds?
for loop running 1:1
for (i in 1:1) {
dtrain <- xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(train_feat[[i]]$data)
attr(dtrain, "errors") <- train_feat[[i]]$errors
bst <- xgboost::xgb.train(param, dtrain, nrounds)
preds <- M4metalearning::predict_selection_ensemble(bst, test_feat[[i]]$data)
er <- M4metalearning::summary_performance(preds,
print.summary = FALSE)
final_error <- c(final_error, er$weighted_error)
final_preds <- rbind(final_preds, preds)
Should maybe be 1.length(folds) ?
Hi Sebastian, you are right, the loop could run for all the folds. It is done that way for computational reasons. It is doing a holdout validation (so just an approximation anyways) that runs inside a bayesian optimization loop. So you can also modify the number of rounds of bayesian optimization if you want to find a better solution.
Sorry for the late appreciation post. Thanks for taking the time and clarifying this.
Much appreciated!