Robin Wilson

Results 75 comments of Robin Wilson

@scanny: Would you be interested in this being added as a method to the slide object?

Unfortunately I don't think I'll have the time to engage with this project to that extent. I'm significantly involved in a number of other open-source projects, while also working full-time...

@hariedo `six` is a module that provides some compatibility helpers to make code work on Python 2 and 3. The documentation for the `six.iteritems` method (available at states: "Returns...

I've had a quick look at this, and it seems that a change in `pyparsing` (a library that daterangeparser uses for its parsing) has caused daterangeparser to fail. A quick...

I've managed to fix this now, and have released v1.3.2 which works with the latest version of PyParsing. Let me know if this fixes your problem.