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NullReferenceException in GetObjectInfo
FTP Server: ProFTPD
Computer OS: Windows 10
I have a loop which does a GetObjectInfoAsync, and OpenReadAsync for many files in a row. Very often there is a NullReferenceException in GetObjectInfoAsync because reply.InfoMessages is NULL. When I execute the call of GetObjectInfoAsync again it's working as expected.
The FTP server is hosted by a customer so I can't give you all details about it.
I can debug the request so if you can give me some hint where to look at I can do this.
Logs :
# Connect()
Status: Connecting to ***:21
Response: 220 ProFTPD 1.3.5rc3 Server (***) [::ffff:***]
Command: AUTH TLS
Response: 500 AUTH not understood
Exception thrown: 'FluentFTP.FtpSecurityNotAvailableException' in FluentFTP.dll
# Connect()
Command: QUIT
Response: 221 Goodbye.
Status: Disposing FtpSocketStream...
Status: Connecting to ***:21
Response: 220 ProFTPD 1.3.5rc3 Server (***) [::ffff:***]
Command: USER ***
Response: 331 Password required for ***
Command: PASS ***
Response: 230 User *** logged in
Command: FEAT
Response: 211 End
Response: 211-Features:
Response: UTF8
Response: EPRT
Response: EPSV
Response: MDTM
Response: TVFS
Response: MFMT
Response: SIZE
Response: LANG en-US.UTF-8;en-US*
Response: MFF modify;UNIX.group;UNIX.mode;
Response: MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;UNIX.group*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;
Status: Text encoding: System.Text.UTF8Encoding
Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
Response: 200 UTF8 set to on
Command: SYST
Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8
Status: Auto-detected UNIX listing parser
# GetObjectInfo("/***/***1***.jpg", False)
Command: MLST /***/***1***.jpg
Response: 250 End of list
Response: 250-Start of list for /***/***1***.jpg
Response: 250-modify=20090202103231;perm=adfr;size=1052688;type=file;unique=FD01U30053A;UNIX.group=1001;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.owner=1002; /***/***1***.jpg
# OpenReadAsync("***/***1***.jpg", Binary, 0)
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 Type set to I
# GetFileSizeAsync("***/***1***.jpg")
Command: SIZE ***/***1***.jpg
Response: 213 1052688
# OpenPassiveDataStreamAsync(AutoPassive, "RETR ***/***1***.jpg", 0)
Command: EPSV
Response: 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||46287|)
Status: Connecting to ***:46287
Command: RETR ***/***1***.jpg
Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for ***/***1***.jpg (1052688 bytes)
Status: Disposing FtpSocketStream...
# GetObjectInfo("/***/***2***.jpg", False)
Status: There is stale data on the socket, maybe our connection timed out or you did not call GetReply(). Re-connecting...
Status: The stale data was: 226 Transfer complete
Status: Disposing FtpSocketStream...
# Connect()
Status: Connecting to ***:21
Response: 220 ProFTPD 1.3.5rc3 Server (***) [::ffff:***]
Command: USER ***
Response: 331 Password required for ***
Command: PASS ***
Response: 230 User *** logged in
Command: FEAT
Response: 211 End
Response: 211-Features:
Response: UTF8
Response: EPRT
Response: EPSV
Response: MDTM
Response: TVFS
Response: MFMT
Response: SIZE
Response: LANG en-US.UTF-8;en-US*
Response: MFF modify;UNIX.group;UNIX.mode;
Response: MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;UNIX.group*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;
Status: Text encoding: System.Text.UTF8Encoding
Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
Response: 200 UTF8 set to on
Command: SYST
Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8
Status: Auto-detected UNIX listing parser
Command: MLST /***/***2***.jpg
Response: 250 End of list
Response: 250-Start of list for /***/***2***.jpg
Response: 250-modify=20110510114025;perm=adfr;size=1969962;type=file;unique=FD01U300327;UNIX.group=1001;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.owner=1002; /***/***2***.jpg
# OpenReadAsync("***/***2***.jpg", Binary, 0)
# GetFileSizeAsync("***/***2***.jpg")
Command: SIZE ***/***2***.jpg
Response: 550 SIZE not allowed in ASCII mode
# OpenPassiveDataStreamAsync(AutoPassive, "RETR ***/***2***.jpg", 0)
Command: EPSV
Response: 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||12148|)
Status: Connecting to ***:12148
Command: RETR ***/***2***.jpg
Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for ***/***2***.jpg (1969962 bytes)
Status: Disposing FtpSocketStream...
# GetObjectInfo("/***/7***3***.jpg", False)
Command: MLST /***/7***3***.jpg
Response: 226 Transfer complete
Exception thrown: 'System.NullReferenceException' in FluentFTP.dll
Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.