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:skull::bulb: Dead simple PubSub and EventEmitter in JavaScript

:skull::bulb: Dead simple PubSub and EventEmitter

Small, readable, almost-tweetable modules utilising classic patterns in modern language.

GitHub Workflow Status license git3moji code style: prettier Managed by Yarn


  • Small: PubSub: 127 bytes, EventEmitter: 138 bytes, together: 191 bytes (all gzipped)
  • Best practices: Subscribe returns unsubscribe. So you can use anonymous functions.
  • Readable: There is nothing magical in the code; except the simplicity.
  • Modern: Uses new, yet well-supported features.
  • Efficient: No memory leaks, no duplicate calls, no extra looping.
  • Clean API: sub and pub (or on and emit), need no more, can't go less.
  • Modular: Use only what you need.
  • Typed TypeScript definitions are bundled


Install using yarn or npm:

yarn add dead-simple
# or via npm
npm install --save dead-simple


import pubsub from "dead-simple/pubsub";
import eventEmitter from "dead-simple/eventEmitter";
// Alternatively:
// import { pubsub, eventEmitter } from 'dead-simple'

// === PubSub ======
const clicks = pubsub();

const unSub = clicks.sub((target) => console.log(`Clicked on ${target}!`));"button");
// -> Clicked on button!

// nothing

// === eventEmitter ===
// eventEmitter = named PubSub
const events = eventEmitter();

events.on("click", (target) => console.log(`Clicked on ${target}!`));

const unSubChange = events.on("change", (newValue) =>
  console.log(`Value is now ${newValue}!`)

events.emit("change", 1968);
// -> Value is now 1968!


events.emit("change", 1968);
// nothing

events.emit("click", "button");
// -> Clicked on button!

Browser compatibility

Used ES6: const, arrow functions, Map, Set, object shorthand

Chrome* Edge FF IE Opera Safari iOS Node
38 12 13 -* 25 7.1 8 4


  • Chrome includes mobile Chrome (Android 4+).
  • IE 11 does not support only syntax feature, arrow functions and object shorthand.
  • The module needs to be bundled, of course.

Super small versions

This project started a pair of gists which included a hand minified version, too.

We were able to get down to 91B for PubSub:

export default (s = new Set()) => ({
  pub: (d) => s.forEach((f) => f(d)),
  sub: (f) => s.add(f).delete.bind(s, f),

And 139B for EventEmitter (p is PubSub):

export default (e) => (
  (e = new Map()),
    on: (n, f) => (e.has(name) || e.set(n, p()), e.get(n).sub(f)),
    emit: (n, d) => e.has(n) && e.get(n).pub(d),

These versions are for fun, more like a proof of concept and may not work in some browsers.