sc-redis icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sc-redis copied to clipboard

self contained redis-server


Super fast and easy way to deploy (containerized) redis-server:

$  sc-redis
[host] pid 4840
[host] container uid sc_redis_2d24808
[host] exporting redis container rootfs
[host] writing redis configuration
[container] pid 1
[container] starting redis

[...] #redis-server output

$ redis-cli> ping


sc-redis (self contained or static container) is dependency free, with just the binary you will be able to spawn self contained redis-server instances.

sc-redis uses libcontainer, the go library used as container backend in docker. A minimal redis-server image is built and packaged directly inside sc-redis binary with go-bindata. On start, sc-redis extract the image (rootfs), create a container with libcontainer and run redis-server in it.

You can read more about how the image is built

Each sc-redis process is containerized, totally isolated from the host system or from other running sc-redis process.

For now, redis-server container are ephemeral and will be destroyed when the process exits. Do not use it if you need storage persistence.


curl -sL | tar -C /usr/local/bin -zxf -

To uninstall:

  • remove the binary /usr/local/bin/sc-redis
  • delete the bridge iface: ip link delete scredis0 type bridge (if you used -i flag)


sudo sc-redis [-v] [-i] [-c "redis conf, redis conf, redis conf"] [-w working_directory]


  • -i 172.18.<xxx>.<xxx>

If this flag is used, the container uses the net namespace and is accessible through the scredis0 bridge automatically created on the host. You can then connect to it this way: redis-cli -h 172.18.<xxx>.<xxx> -p 6379.

If you want the server to be accessible outside of the host, you will need some iptables magic.

Note: it is user's responsibility to make sure there is no ip conflict

  • -c "config line, config line"

Allows to pass custom redis-server configuration. Each configuration, separated by a "," will be written at the end of the default redis.conf file.

Example: sc-redis -c "requirepass foobar, port 9999"

  • -w working_directory

Directory where to extract container rootfs. Current working directory by default.

  • -v

Display sc-redis version. Sample output:

sc-redis version sc-redis v1.0 (redis v2.8.19, libcontainer b6cf7a6c8520fd21e75f8b3becec6dc355d844b0)


The Makefile contains a lot of info but basically, to get started:

  1. fork this repository and clone it
  2. make vendor
  3. make redis-rootfs (as it's not versioned, you will need krgo in your path)
  4. make build done !

Note, if you are working on Vagrant, running sc-redis on a shared folder won't work (rootfs extraction will fail). You can run integration tests with make test.

Feel free to report any issues or improvement ideas if you have some.

I hope this project may show the way for other self contained apps. sc-mongodb anyone ? sc-postgresql, sc-* ? One command deployment compensates for fat binaries ;)

