sublime-tabfilter copied to clipboard
Is there a way to list the tabs in MRU order?
At first, thank you for the plugin! Is there a way to list the tabs in MRU (most recently used) order? In such case, the behavior would be pretty close to the Ctrl+Tab list in VS Code, Cuda Text (when "ui_tab_switcher_dialog" is set to true), Notepad++ and many others!
Thanks for your comment, glad you've found the plugin helpful.
That's definitely a feature I'd be interested in supporting, but looking at the Sublime Text API docs, it doesn't look like there's a reliable way of getting the MRU information currently, unfortunately. The View entity itself only supports getting a change count, so that wouldn't offer reliable MRU support. It looks like there's an experimental API in development for working with project history, but it's sparsely documented:
A list of most recently opened workspaces. Sublime-project files with the same name are listed in place of sublime-workspace files.
It's not super clear if that would actually map to Views which is what the plugin normally works with.