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Fake API using NodeJS + JSON Server + Socket.IO + GraphQL
Fake API NodeJS
Get a full fake API as soon as possible. Base on NodeJS + JSON Server + Socket.IO.
Define your own database using a JSON file, generate REST APIs from that database.
Register user with username & password or email & password. Using object
in the database. -
Login with registered users.
Protect resources using JWT Bearer authentication.
Upload files.
Send and receive messages over web socket connection (Socket.IO).
Rewrite URL.
Proxy Server.
Getting started
1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/robinhuy/fake-api-nodejs.git
or fork to your account and clone the forked repo
2. Install dependencies
cd fake-api-nodejs
npm install
or if you using yarn
cd fake-api-nodejs
yarn install
3. Run server
Production mode:
npm start
yarn start
Development mode (auto reload server when editing using nodemon):
npm run dev
yarn dev
The server will run on
. You can test with public endpoint:http://localhost:8000/products
(GET method).
Modify your data
All the data is stored in database.json. Edit it to suit your needs but keep the users object to utilize the authentication feature.
You can use https://mockaroo.com/ to generate mock data and then deploy your code to https://heroku.com/ or a similar hosting service to create a public API."
To protect resources, declare the resources and protected methods in
:"protectedResources": { "users": ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"], "products": ["POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"] }
If you don't need to protect any resources, simply delete the object above.
To change the default port, database file, JWT secret, or JWT token expiration, ... modify the values in
Access & modify API
Please view detailed document in https://github.com/typicode/json-server/blob/master/README.md#table-of-contents
If you want to modify the authentication logic or add more custom REST endpoints, please edit the server.js
and src/rest.js
Edit src/socket-io.js
to add or modify Socket.IO events, src/graphql.js
to add or modify GraphQL query/mutation (currently, authentication aren't being applied to Socket.IO & GraphQl endpoints).
To add or modify Socket.IO events, edit the src/socket-io.js
file. To add or modify GraphQL queries/mutations, edit the src/graphql.js
file (currently, authentication isn't being applied to Socket.IO & GraphQL endpoints).
Default Endpoints
To view and modify resources, access the database.json
Open Endpoints
Open endpoints do not require Authentication.
Header: Content-Type: application/json
POST /register: Register a new user.
{ "firstName": "Administrator", "lastName": "", "username": "admin", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "admin", "avatar": "https://robohash.org/eaquequasincidunt.png?size=50x50&set=set1", "gender": "Genderfluid", "phone": "933-658-1213", "birthday": "1994-03-23", "status": true }
POST /login: Login user.
{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "admin" }
{ "username": "admin", "password": "admin" }
POST /refresh-token: Get new access token from refresh token.
{ "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOjEsImlhdCI6MTY1NjMyNzE4NiwiZXhwIjoxNjU2MzI4MDg2fQ.-si1n7yHpjQ2LEyYqZT6ClIFJOqLOeVXRhwjzyvEZMo" }
Header: Content-Type: application/json
GET /products: Return a list of all products.
GET /products/{id}: Return information about a specific product.
Header: Content-Type: multipart/form-data
POST /upload-file: Upload single file.
Parameter Type Description file File The file to be uploaded. -
POST /upload-files: Upload multiple files.
Parameter Type Description files FileList The files to be uploaded.
Private Endpoints (require Authentication)
Private endpoints require a valid token to be included in the request header. A token can be acquired from the Login API above.
Request header: Content-Type: application/json
and Authorization: Bearer {token}
GET /users: Return a list of all users.
GET /users/{id}: Return information about a specific user.
POST /users: Create a new user.
Request is similar to the user registration API.
PUT /users/{id}: Update the entire information of a specific user.
Submit the entire user object except for the id field.
PATCH /users/{id}: Update the partial information of a specific user.
Submit the partial user object except for the id field.
POST /products: Create a new product.
{ "name": "Pork Salted Bellies", "price": 442, "quantity": 16, "thumbnail": "http://dummyimage.com/213x100.png/dddddd/000000", "status": true }
PUT /products/{id}: Update the entire information of a specific product.
Submit the entire product object except for the id field.
PATCH /products/{id}: Update the partial information of a specific product.
Submit the partial product object except for the id field.
Web Socket (Socket.IO)
: Echo message to sendersocket.emit('emit', 'Hello');
: Broadcast message to all clients in the current namespace except the sendersocket.emit('broadcast', 'Hello');
: Broadcast message to all clients in the current namespace include the sendersocket.emit('broadcast-all', 'Hello');
: Join a roomsocket.emit('join-room', 'game');
: Send message to all clients in the room except the sendersocket.emit('join-room', { room: 'game', event: 'chat', msg: 'Hello' });
. -
Get objects by name (objects declared in database.json)
query getData($objectName: String!) { getObjects(objectName: $objectName) }
Query variables:
{ "objectName": "products" }
Get an object by name, search by property
query getData($objectName: String!, $objectKey: String!, $objectValue: ObjectValue) { getObjectByKey(objectName: $objectName, objectKey: $objectKey, objectValue: $objectValue) }
ObjectValue must specify the data type:
ObjectValue { int: Int float: Float string: String boolean: Boolean }
Query variable examples:
{ "objectName": "products", "objectKey": "id", "objectValue": { "int": 1 } }
{ "objectName": "products", "objectKey": "name", "objectValue": { "string": "Grapes - Black" } }
Create an object
query CreateObject($objectName: String!, $objectData: JSONScalarType!) { createObject(objectName: $objectName, objectData: $objectData) }
Query variable examples:
{ "objectName": "posts", "objectData": { "title": "New post" } }
Update an object
query UpdateObject($objectName: String!, $objectId: ID!, $objectData: JSONScalarType!) { updateObject(objectName: $objectName, objectId: $objectId, objectData: $objectData) }
Query variable examples:
{ "objectName": "posts", "objectId": "1", "objectData": { "title": "Update post" } }
Delete an object
query DeleteObject($objectName: String!, $objectId: ID!) { deleteObject(objectName: $objectName, objectId: $objectId) }
Query variable examples:
{ "objectName": "posts", "objectId": "1" }
Rewrite URL
You can rewrite the URL by modifying the url-rewrite.json
For example, you can configure it to access /api/products instead of /products (default base URL rewrite rule).
Proxy Server
If you want to create a proxy server to bypass CORS, you just need to set up proxyServer and proxyUrl in the config.js
For example, setting:
proxyServer: 'http://example.org',
proxyUrl: '/api',
will create a proxy server to forward API requests from http://localhost:8000/api/foo/bar
to http://example.org/api/foo/bar