Robert Hällqvist
Robert Hällqvist
I could update the EMBrACE SSP that is in the testsuite but it will only be possible to re-produce the issue if you have a local license file available on...
Hi! Can the three of us take a brief meeting regarding this, possibly next week? Virtually or IRL does not matter for me
Yes but I mean that it should be possible to create an incomplete SSD that can be read in, for example, an architecting tool. So the SSD should be created...
If what @lochel states above works then I believe that I am almost happy. Incomplete SSD is not what I meant :) It should read incomplete SSP. I guess the...
The dependency information that @meek is refering to is the information conveyed in the “ModelStructure” element of the “ModelDescription” file, see for example page 64 of the FMI 2.0 specification....
I am not sure that I completely understand and, this may as a result not be a relevant comment, but on page 66 of the specification it is stated that...
To clarify, there is no dependency information avalailable in the ModelDescription file, not under ModelStructure-Unknowns or ModelStructure-InitialUnknowns
I believe that we are using grtfmi.tlc but I will have to come back with a definite answer after the holidays
I have now checked and we are using grtfmi.tlc
This is a feature request that likely will be needed by the vehicle systems demonstrator in the OpenScsling project @arun3688