OK..have done. Sorry for the initial title, I was thinking I could do the two pull requests sequentially. Regardless, there is a PR for this issue and for another small...
I ran into this as well. I think the simplest solution if you want to create a JTACMonthCell programatically is to change the accessibility modifier in the class to open,...
Thanks for the followup. This is a nice to have, but definitely not essential, especially if the solutions are hacks. Hopefully, something for the future.
My apologies, I saw the image in the readme with the expected console logs, so assumed the fact that it only found my home directly was part of the problem....
Mac 12.15.1 zsh 5.8.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin21.0) Moving the folder up to ~/ still gives me the first set of errors when running the project and no change in behaviour if I...
I have used it previously on this project on a branch, but not actively. I tried again yesterday, but I had errors about not being able to load the correct...
Of course, happy to help..its a great bit of code and I would love to use it more. Thanks for the switching tip. I can't do much more tonight as...
Tuple looks very cool, but alas I don't have it. OK, sorry finally got back to this. 1. On a simple test project, hot reloading works perfectly, so must be...
I will have to do some more exploration on the permissions side of things. On your second question, yes, I have tried a clean install and a completely clean simulator...