It seems we only have the option to select position. Would it be possible to add an "enter-from" property so we can have notifications entering from x or y axis?...
I have a form object which contains a date property. When outputting the entire form object, the date is different than when the date property on the form object is...
It seems I can't save message attachments to disk. I am using `GOOGLE_ALLOW_MULTIPLE_CREDENTIALS=true` and I'm able to retrieve messages for a given account, but not the attachments. Not sure if...
It doesn't seem like there's a way to change the position from left to right, since styles are being applied inline. Would be nice if there was an "enter-from" prop...
Firstly, thanks so much for providing this package - saved me a lot of time! I had a database with small int PK's and FK's. Would be nice to have...