jQuery-Peelback icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jQuery-Peelback copied to clipboard

A jQuery plugin for peelback ads

jQuery Peelback Ad

This is a jQuery plugin for adding a "peelback" or "peelaway" ad to a page. It's based on this peelback demo, by Soh Tanaka, which achieves the peelback effect by animating the ad image (the background image) and the peel image in parallel.

Some features:

  • Except for the two images, everything is contained in the plugin, which means you can add this to your site without having to touch your stylesheets or HTML.
  • Lightweight. The script and the peel effect image combined are only 7.3KB.
  • Plugs into Google Analytics Event Tracking to record the mouseover/peelback event.
  • Works in all modern browsers as well as IE6, IE7, and IE8.

How to use it:

Just call the .peelback() method on the body element and fill in the parameters.

###Required adImage : path to the ad image (string)
peelImage : path to "peel-image.png" (string)
clickURL : click-through URL for the ad (string)

###Optional smallSize : Specify size of small peel preview (number; default=58)
bigSize : Specify size of full size ad image (number; default=510)
gaTrack : Send peelback events to Google Analytics? (boolean; default=false)
gaLabel : GA event label to use (string; default="default")
autoAnimate : animate peelback corner on pageload (boolean; default=true)
debug : display errors in console (boolean; default=false)

    adImage     : 'peel-ad.png',
    peelImage   : '../assets/peel-image.png',
    clickURL    : 'http://www.thebestdinosaur.com/',
    smallSize   : 50,
    bigSize     : 500,
    gaTrack     : true,
    gaLabel     : '#1 Stegosaurus',
    autoAnimate : true,
    debug       : false 




jQuery. Tested on 1.4.4 and 1.5.2.


0.2: 04/25/2011 - Added image sizes as settings. Removed dataURI version to keep things simple.
0.1: 12/26/2010 - Release

