Hi, have you checked responses on StackOverflow? Some are from me as I try to follow along. Saying that I haven't looked too much at this in the last 6...
yes its not implemented yet - I'm attempting to build a full-channel + gui on top. Whilst that is hard to do its relatively simple to subscribe to the messages...
almost have a working example now. Essentially you need to process messages in sequential order. Since the websocketfeed relies on TCP based comms you should get all the messages, you...
I have a working example - it will be available soon enough. Next few days or couple of weeks max I'm hoping
I've implemented the LiveOrderbook now should be available any day now with any luck
ok - Full LiveOrderbook is available now over at my repo Fully tested and reconnects on timeouts if the message we're waiting for isn't received within 15 seconds.
I figure realtime is likely to offer much better algo trading! imaging monitoring the rate of trades coming in, seeing a spike and being able to place a trade instantly....
I think when we get to a point of stability (or even now), the codebase should be duplicated to `irufus/coinbase-pro-java` and we should contact whoever maintains the documentation at coinbase...
You have a few choices. 1. For the best bid/ask you will need to call the MarketDataService.getMarketData(product, level) which will return a MarketData object with bids/asks. Do with this what...
Better documentation needed in this lib so people don't get lost in the Gdax Api Docs