Roberto Abraham
Roberto Abraham
Hi - just a gentle nudge regarding this issue. Any help with getting imexam to work on Windows would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Megan, I'm running ginga 2.7.2. And thanks so much for your help with this!
Thanks Megan, I'll give it a whirl in the next few days. Thanks. Bob
Confusingly, Win32 is what you're running when you use 64-bit Windows 10... it's just Microsoft's standard name for the Windows API (yes, it's crazy, it also is what it's called...
Oh, and I just installed Ginga under windows using conda as follows: `conda install ginga -c conda-forge` I'm not sure which graphics backend it is using (probably Qt?).
Hey, thanks, that was an incredibly useful suggestion! I see now I am running under Qt in both cases. The slow startup appears to be associated with trying to load...
Nope! Those commands all run more-or-less instantly and seem to produce sensible outputs. ``` (base) § Blackbird2 {~\Desktop} python Python 3.7.3 (default, Apr 24 2019, 15:29:51) [MSC v.1915 64 bit...
Your other font suggestion ran OK too: ``` >>> from ginga.qtw import QtHelp >>> QtHelp.load_font('roboto', 'C:\\Users\\abrah\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\ginga\\fonts\\Roboto\\Roboto-Regular.ttf') ``` I'll wait to see if Eric can suggest anything, and thanks a million...
Hi Eric, I was running those commands (to check the font loading) from PowerShell (you can verify it from the windows-style file path for the fonts). The font takes a...
I don't think it's PowerShell. I just tried it using cmd.exe (the standard DOS prompt thing) and got the same behavior. I'm starting up python using the items in the...