Robert Martin

Results 55 comments of Robert Martin

@aiturri still can't reproduce it – I can parse your file accents and all. I think it's a mac/windows issue. Can you try again? I forgot to add `encoding="utf8"` to...

@aiturri Ok it seems this is related to a particular windows encoding. Other people seem to have had the same [issue]( (Please save your clippings file beforehand just in case)...

Hi, Portfolio optimisation fails when the number of assets is greater than the number of time periods (singular covariance matrix). You could try Ledoit-Wolf shrinkage but really portfolio optimisation is...

Thanks for raising this. I don't have any insights, especially since you say that the covariance matrix is PD. That said, the `TypeError` is strange...

Ah - that explains the type error. You are passing a cvxpy object to a function that expects an array/df. I think in cvxpy you can extract the array from...

For people using `RollingOLS.from_formula`, this won't work because of `Intercept` and categorical encodings. The workaround is to first transform your data using `patsy`. Given some `mod_str = "y ~ x1...

Hi @sungwoncho, and apologies for the late reply. I was thinking more as part of `dnote ls`. So right now if I type `dnote ls reactjs`, I get: ``` (0)...

Sorry, the example was just meant to be what I envisaged a timestamp list would look like. With regard to the actual use case, imagine I'm doing some data science...

Thank you for the pointer, will have a go at modifying it – but I don't trust my Go ability to submit a PR ;) Robert