Results 115 comments of Robert Lipe

I have no inside info, so this is just a random internet stranger shouting comments. On DOS-based systems, if you didn't want it to corrupt your writes, you needed to...

Officially, I don't think there is. There's consensus on what it would look like in terms of system call numbers, ring transitions, shared library mappings, etc. There may be a...

If you'd included steps to reproduce it, i'd have told you whether my system - which is surely different than yours, but since you didn't list yours, I won't list...

Drive-by comment: I've used a self-compiled WLED on -S3 from source somewhere between 0.14.1b3 and 0.14.1 on my Pixel 5a rather heavily and it's seemed flawless. Since I'm just reading...

The important part of the error is buried. [Errno 28]** No space left on device**\nTool Manager: Looking for another mirror.. Now the installer is being kind of dumb. If you're...

You provided essentially no useful informatiion that's sufficnet to let someone help you. Did any of the steps at or (or a thousand other we pages related to...

Hi, and thanx for the quick help! There's no real configuration. It's a totally bare board without any connections, as pictured on the page in the first link. I'm just...

Sorry for the delay. Pain break. I really appreciate your efforts on this. Let me be honest that I don't know if this board really even makes sense for you...

The above post is probably invalid. I'd changed to the right branch, but hadn't run git update. Now I've confirmed the changes are actually there. [board:luatos-esp32s3] extends = mcu:esp32, display:led_matrix_column_major_alternating,...