passcards icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
passcards copied to clipboard

CLI does not list any items if one of them cannot be read

Open robertknight opened this issue 8 years ago • 3 comments

passcards list fails with an error and no useful output if reading the contents of any single item fails.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. List the contents of a 1Password Agile Keychain vault with passcards list
  2. Edit one of the .1password files to make it invalid, eg. by introducing a JSON syntax error
  3. Run passcards list again

Expected result:

Passcards lists all the items that it can read

Actual result:

Unhelpful error message

robertknight avatar Sep 09 '15 20:09 robertknight

CC @asbjornenge

robertknight avatar Sep 09 '15 20:09 robertknight

:grin: :+1:

asbjornenge avatar Sep 09 '15 21:09 asbjornenge

I just ran into this issue.

I had a 1password file containing an empty json object (just {}), hence no uuid field which caused passcards to exit with the following error: VfsError: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/zauberfisch/[......]/1Password/zauberfisch.agilekeychain/data/default/undefined.1password'

removing the empty file fixed the problem for me. But that sounds like a simple enough problem to catch while listing accounts.

Zauberfisch avatar Nov 26 '18 21:11 Zauberfisch