angular-enterprise-seed copied to clipboard
Seed project for serious angular apps.
NPM install and npm start both yield: npm ERR! install Couldn't read dependencies npm ERR! package.json ENOENT, open '/Users/sachanacar/package.json' it seems there isn't even a package.json file
I can run 1.1.5 fine, which was critical because i wanted the "Controller as" feature, but 1.2.0 or above results in errors. `Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]$injector/modulerr?p0=rslllc&p1=Error….org%2Fundefined%2F%24injector%2Funpr%3Fp0%3D%2524routeProvider%0A%20%20%2......7) MINERR_ASSET:22 (anonymous function) MINERR_ASSET:22...
Thanks, great starting point for beginners. If you combine your framework with the grunt/gulp build framework of then you have the perfect enterprise app starting point.
Can I pull in 3.1.1 in my repo, or are there changes/additions that need to be made?
Default index page points users with old browsers to Google Chrome Frame which is retiring this month (January 2014).
Create a submenu under playground called "wijmo", and integrate some of the wijmo widgets... Wijmo may be comprehensive enough to remove angular-ui and/or angular stack.
Throwing exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined at Object.fn (http://localhost:8000/angular-enterprise-seed/app/js/vendor/angularstrap/angular-strap.min.js:79:56) at Object.e.$digest (http://localhost:8000/angular-enterprise-seed/app/js/vendor/angular/angularjs.v1.0.4-51d501aa.js:2098:208) at Object.e.$apply (http://localhost:8000/angular-enterprise-seed/app/js/vendor/angular/angularjs.v1.0.4-51d501aa.js:2132:31) at HTMLDivElement. (http://localhost:8000/angular-enterprise-seed/app/js/vendor/angularstrap/angular-strap.min.js:73:19) at ( at HTMLDivElement.y.handle ( angularjs.v1.0.4-51d501aa.js:1422 Uncaught Error:...
Could use a more indicator in the lower right corner that displays if there is more content to vertically scroll too, and not yet scrolled to bottom. This is particularly...
Currently missing some of the angular strap widgets. Should include all of them in the playground.
Currently missing some of the angular ui widgets. Should include all of them in the playground.