purescript-web-router copied to clipboard
A simple pushstate router, with support for async routing logic. Bring your preferred parser, printer and state management.
A router for browsers that supports asynchronous routing logic. Bring your own printing and parsing (check out routing-duplex).
For a basic React example see here.
How to use
1. Install with Spago
$ spago install web-router
2. Define your routes
data Route
= Page Page
| NotFound
data Page
= Home
| ProductList
| ProductView ProductId
| About
| ContactUs
type ProductId = Int
3. Implement parsing and printing
This example uses routing-duplex.
import Prelude hiding ((/))
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Routing.Duplex (RouteDuplex', default, end, int, parse, print, root, segment)
import Routing.Duplex.Generic (noArgs, sum)
import Routing.Duplex.Generic.Syntax ((/))
import Routing.Duplex.Parser (RouteError)
derive instance Generic Route _
derive instance Generic Page _
productId :: RouteDuplex' ProductId
productId = int segment
routes :: RouteDuplex' Route
routes =
default NotFound $
{ "Page": pages
, "NotFound": "404" / noArgs
pages :: RouteDuplex' Page
pages =
root $ end $
{ "Home": noArgs
, "ProductList": "products" / noArgs
, "ProductView": "products" / productId
, "About": "about" / noArgs
, "ContactUs": "about" / noArgs
-- | This is the route parser we need to pass to the driver.
-- | It can produce any route which allows the parser to return a value of `NotFound` instead of failing.
parseRoute :: forall String -> Either RouteError Route
parseRoute = parse routes
-- | This is the route printer we need to pass to the driver.
-- | It can only print paths to valid pages, which means a path can't be produced for the `NotFound` route.
-- | With this approach routes can be seperated based on whether they should be a navigation target and have a URL.
-- | Note: assymetry is not required, and a symmetrical printer works as well.
printRoute :: Page -> String
printRoute = print pages
4. Define how your application reacts to navigation and routing events
import Web.Router as Router
onNavigation :: Maybe Route -> Route -> Router.RouterM Route Page Router.Routing Router.Resolved Unit
onNavigation previousRoute requestedRoute =
case requestedRoute of
NotFound ->
case previousRoute of
Just (Page page) -> Router.do
liftEffect showBrokenNavigationMessage
Router.redirect page -- redirect back to the previous page and show a message
_ ->
Router.continue -- no previous page, so just show the "not found" page
_ -> Router.do
access <- liftAff fetchUserAccess
if userHasAccess requestedRoute access then
Router.continue -- they have access, so resolve with the requested page
Router.override NotFound -- no access, so pretend the page doesn't exist
onEvent :: Router.RoutingEvent Route -> Effect Unit
onEvent newEvent =
case newEvent of
Router.Routing previousRoute requestedRoute ->
Router.Resolved previousRoute newRoute ->
setCurrentRoute newRoute
5. Connect up the driver and router
import Web.Router as Router
import Web.Router.PushState as PushState
mkRouter :: Effect (Router.Router Route Page)
mkRouter = do
driver <- PushState.mkInterface parseRoute printRoute
router <- Router.mkInterface onNavigation onEvent driver
pure router
Both pushstate and hash drivers are included, or a custom driver can be implemented. An example of a custom driver could be one that synchronises some navigation state over sockets, for an experience where one user's behaviour could be broadcast to multiple users to follow along.