purescript-react-halo copied to clipboard
A Halogen-inspired interface for React. Use it as a hook in existing components, or use the provided helpers to make entire components using it.
React Halo
Halo is a Halogen-inspired interface for React.
It is available as a hook: useHalo
; for building entire components there is component
Module documentation is published on Pursuit.
Using with Spago
$ spago install react-halo
$ npx spago install react-halo
What does Halo provide?
Whether you are using the hook or one of the component helpers, the main feature that Halo provides is the eval
function. It looks like:
Lifecycle props action -> HaloM props state action m Unit
where Lifecycle
data Lifecycle props action
= Initialize props -- when the component mounts
| Update props props -- when the props change
| Action action -- when an action is dispatched
| Finalize -- when the component unmounts
is also a monad transformer, and so you can lift any monad m
logic into HaloM
. Just be aware that in order to run the logic, Halo requires that you hoist
(convert) your chosen monad into Aff
before returning it.
hoist :: forall props state action m m'. Functor m => (m ~> m') -> HaloM props state action m ~> HaloM props state action m'
-- Inverting a reader
hoistReaderT ::
forall props state action env m.
HaloM props state action (ReaderT env m) ~>
ReaderT env (HaloM props state action m)
hoistReaderT x = do
env <- ask
lift (Halo.hoist (flip runReaderT env) x)
Working with props
props :: forall props action state m. HaloM props state action m props
fireOnChange ::
forall props state action m a.
MonadEffect m =>
HaloM { onChange :: a -> Effect Unit | props } { value :: a | state } action m Unit
fireOnChange = do
{ onChange } <- Halo.props
{ value } <- Halo.get
liftEffect (onChange value)
Working with state
doesn't have any special interface for reading and modifying state, instead providing an instance of MonadState for flexibility.
Subscriptions registered using these functions are automatically tracked by Halo.
subscribe :: forall props state action m. Emitter action -> HaloM props state action m SubscriptionId
unsubscribe :: forall props state action m. SubscriptionId -> HaloM props state action m Unit
is from the purescript-halogen-subscriptions
There is also a version for subscriptions that want to unsubscribe themselves:
subscribe' :: forall props state action m. (SubscriptionId -> Emitter action) -> HaloM props state action m SubscriptionId
Any subscriptions that remain when the component is unmounted are automatically unsubscribed. This prevents requiring manual clean up in the Finalize
lifecycle event. Also note that new subscriptions will not be created once the Finalize
event has been fired.
Also provided are functions for creating and killing forks which launch processes in separate "threads" (or as useful an approximation as we can get in JavaScript):
fork :: forall m action state props. HaloM props state action m Unit -> HaloM props state action m ForkId
kill :: forall m action state props. ForkId -> HaloM props state action m Unit
Similarly to subscriptions, when the component unmounts all still-running forks will be killed. However new forks can be created during the Finalize
phase but there is no way of killing them (as with Halogen).
Finally HaloM
provides an instance of Parallel
for converting back and forth between HaloAp
, it's applicative counterpart. This allows any logic to be easily converted to run in parallel
or sequential